
What’s new in PACScenter? Narrowing the bridge to AI integration and efficient workflows

The concept of Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) lives on as a cornerstone for the various advancements to the digital imaging domain, contributing to the sleek acquisition, distribution, visualization, and automated analysis of medical images. Moreover, medical professionals worldwide … Read More

MetaBreast Project: Consortium Meeting

BMD participated in the MetaBreast Consortium meeting, a project part of Health For Portugal (HfPT), held in Champalimaud Foundation in Lisbon, as the partners of the consortium gathered in person to showcase their overall developments during 2023, aligned with the … Read More

AI Segmentations in PACScenter Viewer

AI in Medical Imaging   Artificial Intelligence is now a word that is present in our day-to-day lives, perhaps due to the incredible advances in language processing accomplished by the famous ChatGPT. In the field of medical imaging, AI has … Read More

European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EPND) – Second Annual Meeting

We are proud to participate again in a successful European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EPND) meeting in picturesque Athens, bringing together representatives from our 29 partner organizations. At EPND, our commitment to advancing neurodegenerative disease research was highlighted through significant … Read More

BMD – MEDICA 2023 in Düsseldorf, Germany

BMD, a frontrunner in healthcare solutions, once again took center stage at MEDICA, the world’s largest trade fair for the medical industry, held in Düsseldorf, Germany. This year’s exhibition, which unfolded from the 13th to the 16th of November, witnessed … Read More

Object Detection Algorithms for Medical Image Segmentation: The Case of Mask R-CNN

Introduction In computer science, object detection, or localization, is a computer vision technique that aims to detect instances of semantic objects within digital images or videos using deep-learning methods. Over the years, object detection techniques such as Faster R-CNN, RetinaNet, … Read More

How to design and implement secure PACS applications – An analysis of PACScenter security mechanisms

  Security in medical imaging systems is a serious concern for institutions, as data breaches can compromise patient care and result in GDPR violations. BMD Software takes these concerns very seriously and is constantly updating its products in order to … Read More

Digital Pathology – Image Analysis update

Pathology, a branch of medicine focused on studying and diagnosing diseases, has witnessed significant advancements in recent decades, particularly with the integration of digital imaging technology. The introduction of digital cameras in microscopes has revolutionized the field, allowing pathologists to … Read More

Get To Know Rustam!

Rustam Guliev is an Azerbaijanian from Moscow, Russia. He is 32 years old. His journey began with a Specialist degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at Lomonosov Moscow State University. During that time, he delved into the intriguing world … Read More

News: “Personalizable AI platform for universal access to research and diagnosis in digital pathology”

In the context of the iPATH project, in partnership with pathologists from University of Coimbra and CCG/ZGDV we published  a new scientific article in Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, entitled as “Personalizable AI platform for universal access to research … Read More