
iPATH – Designing a customizable AI Platform for Digital Pathology

The digitization of healthcare services is crucial for modernizing and improving patient care at medical institutions. PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) archives are the backbone of these services, providing centralized and remote access to images and patient data. Clinical … Read More

Mammoassist: Detection of Microcalcifications in Mammography – Webinar

BMD Software and Neavance are organizing a WEBINAR about Detection of Microcalcifications in Mammography. You can register now! This online event will take place on the 26th of January, from 2.30 pm to 4 pm. By detecting and classifying microcalcifications … Read More

EPND – General Assembly Meeting

BMD participated in the EPND General Assembly Meeting in Amsterdam and online, with representatives from 29 private & public partners.  The EPND (European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases)  project is a five-year initiative to establish a self-sustaining network that will support … Read More

How to anonymize or de-identify DICOM studies with PACScenter?

PACScenter has been used for the most diverse scenarios. Despite the traditional production environments, there are also other scenarios that PACScenter has been used along the years, mainly to support research and work as a “PACS for research”. Despite the … Read More

BMD at MEDICA 2022

BMD again attended MEDICA 2022 in Düsseldorf, Germany. This year’s edition was marked by BMD’s special participation, which was present and Hall 15 in Booth C32 in a joint participation with Health Cluster Portugal. Through it, it was possible to … Read More

Dicoogle Open Source: The Establishment of a New Paradigm in Medical Imaging

Dicoogle was created in 2008 to support medical imaging PACS. While the first idea was to add the capability to extract and query for all DICOM tags, more advanced and new ideas have expanded, such as Peer-to-Peer extensions appronches. The … Read More

Montra now supports Azure AD OAuth2 authentication

What is Montra? Biomedical data catalogues are commonly used to capture and present information about specific entities. However, the construction of a web-based catalogue for a particular scenario normally implies the development of a specific and dedicated solution. A rapid-application … Read More

News from “IMAGE-IN: Imaging infections – integrated multiscale visualization of infections and host response”: meet Shibarjun!

In the scope of the IMAGE-IN, BMD supports several colleagues in their Ph.D.’s. Shibarjun comes directly from the Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien e.V. and has been deeply involved with our team. Short summary about Shibarjun Shibarjun Mandal is 28 years … Read More

Telemonitoring of home dialysis utilizing a smart biomimetic arteriovenous graft

Researchers from BMD have just started a collaborative international research project, led by the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), which aims to develop a revolutionary artificial blood vessel.   Artificial blood vessels have been used for more than 50 years … Read More

OMOP CDM: An approach for standardizing health data

Every health institution has in its hands a great amount of patient-level information, such as demographics, medical treatments and conditions, drugs administered and healthcare benefits records. While this increases data available for medical research, one question poses: how can we … Read More