
BMD at MEDICA 2019

Last week, BMD’s team members have been in the world’s leading trade fair, MEDICA, in Düsseldorf, Germany. This year’s edition was marked by BMD’s special participation, since it has for the first time created and developed a stand, which was … Read More

Research positions in Computer Science/Medical Imaging (under IMAGE-IN, a MSCA-ITN-EID project)

We are searching for two early-stage researchers within the European Industrial Doctorate IMAGE-IN: Imaging infections: integrated, multiscale visualization of infections and host response a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN-EID) of the European Commission.   POSITION 1: “3D visualization and correlation … Read More

Newborn Screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism

The introduction of the Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS) in neonatal screening laboratories has opened the way to innovative newborn screening analysis. With this technology the number of metabolic disorders that can be detected from dried blood-spot species increases significantly. However, … Read More

Do you want to bring single sign-on and role-based access control to your PACS?

  PACScenter is a web based professional and enterprise PACS system. As a modern system, that provides robustness and  integration with third-party systems in your organization, our platform supports much more than simple LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) or Active … Read More

Our platform CardioBox supports new languages!

We are enabling an easier use of the CardioBox solution. BMD Software is proud to have a strong presence in the market and aims to continually improve by facilitating the use of its products and services. Facing high demand, CardioBox … Read More

Extending PACScenter

Extending PACScenter to facilitate the detection of microcalcifications in mammographies We have been developing MammoAssist, a project that suggests creating a tool capable of helping professionals in the early diagnosis of breast cancer, through the automatic detection of microcalcifications in mammographies. The … Read More

BMD contributes to develop a catalogue that is joining patient health information around the world

The continuous digitalization of health care services, together with the increasing diversity of personal biomedical data, have led to an exponential increase in the volume of clinical and disease-specific data that is being gathered daily throughout the world. Though a considerable … Read More

BMD at Portugal eHealth summit 2019

Once more, our team was at Portugal eHealth summit 2019 at Altice Arena, in Lisbon. The event took place from the 19th to the 22nd of March, and it was the stage for hundreds of national and international speakers and exhibitors. … Read More

BMD at the eHealth summit 2019

Taking a big part in the area of e-health, we are engaged in being updated on the latest developments and achieving excellence by providing our services, PACScenter, CardioBox and NeoScreen. In this context, we will be participating in the 3rd edition of the biggest … Read More

NetPathology at AcTTiVAte’s Workshop

Last week BMD attended the AcTTiVAte’s Workshop “Innovation through cross-sectoral technology transfer in the Health & Agrifood sectors” organized by INEGI. The event took place on Friday, the 8th of March in Alfândega do Porto (Portugal). During this workshop, BMD had the … Read More