ICTS4eHealth Conference, in Paris

BMD Software presented on medical image anonymization at the “4th IEEE International Conference on ICT Solutions for eHealth” held in Paris on June 28, 2024. 

The presentation, titled “DICOM Gateway Anonymizer: A Cloud Architecture for a Scalable Research PACS,” highlighted significant advancements within the scope of the HfPT 5.2.7 project. 

It shared insights into the innovative DICOM Gateway Anonymizer, a cloud-based solution designed to address the privacy challenges associated with sharing and reusing medical imaging data. This technology ensures the secure and efficient anonymization of images, which can then be re-uploaded to other repositories. This will also have a significant impact on innovative technology developments, such as Artificial Intelligence algorithms and applications in extended reality. 

The article presented by Rui Jesus, authored with José Frias, Pedro Gouveia, João Santinha, Luís Bastião Silva, and Carlos Costa, emphasizes the importance of a collaborative environment where anonymized images can be safely utilized for research. The study’s conclusions highlight the effectiveness of the cloud-based framework in creating image analysis models, integrated into the medical professionals’ work environment.

Main Features and Achievements

  • Large-Scale Anonymization: The DICOM Gateway Anonymizer supports large-scale anonymization, crucial for extensive clinical trials and collaborative research.
  • Clinical Trials and Use Cases: Tested in real-world settings, the framework was evaluated through several clinical studies, including detecting mitotic cells in breast cancer tissue.
  • Open-Source Foundation: Built on open-source components, allowing the construction of anonymization pipelines that process and forward images to different repositories.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Medical professionals can annotate images from a production PACS, conveniently via a web viewer, simplifying the workflow. 

BMD Software is committed to advancing medical imaging informatics, and the DICOM Gateway Anonymizer exemplifies the dedication to providing safe and efficient solutions for the healthcare industry. 

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