CardioBox is a centralised ECG management platform with tele-reporting functionalities, enabling costs reduction and faster interaction workflows.
Why Cardiobox?
Fully Web Platform
Access ECG studies from multiple institutions with native-like experience, including advanced diagnosis and reporting tools.
ECG Tele-reporting
Easily track new revision requests with rapid ECG navigation, using any device at any place and anytime.
Reduced costs
Reduce supplies costs and build a virtual network of specialized cardiologists and healthcare institutions for improved diagnosis.
Powerful, yet simple.
Simplified upload
Easily upload exams to a centralized storage trough email or drag-and-drop interface.
Remotely write, sign, deliver, print and download reports.
Revision dashboard
Easily manage pending revision requests, avoiding collision between cardiologists.
Templates and translation
Customize your template models and automatically translate the generated device reports.
Signal filtering
Advanced signal filtering tools for simplified analysis and improved diagnosis.
Keep patient information safe and secure without commitments.
Multidimensional value proposition.
Diagnostic center
- Eliminate ECG printing costs
- Less time preparing ECGs for revision
- Faster interaction workflows between institutions, cardiologists and patients
- Easily engage new external cardiologists for reporting
- Easy and faster revision process
- Centralized revision platform
- Revision anytime and anywhere with any device
- No need to travel to get the ECG
- No risk of losing exams
- Receive the ECG and report in digital format
- Easy to share with other specialists
- Get faster diagnosis
Build a network of institutions and healthcare professionals, creating agile partnerships without having to deal with the complexity of technical solutions.
Supports multiple devices and data formats.




General Electric




Welch Allyn


Multiple installation options available.
Dramatically reduce IT costs by safely and securely outsourcing ECGs management.
Local servers
Make your servers the center of the ECGs management workflow, enabling collaboration with healthcare professionals and patients.